Open Life Church Children’s Resources

Bible App Jesus.jpg

Life Church has provided open source children’s resources on their website:

Traceway has been using these free, open source materials for our early children’s ministry for several years. During this time when we are spending more time at home with our children, we encourage you to take time out to worship as a family and to follow the Deuteronomy 6 example of teaching your children about God’s character by word and by example. To help in that, we have collected some of the resources that Life Church has provided.

These videos connect with the videos and games found in the Bible App for Kids which can be found in the Google Play Store and Apple Store


Unit 1 - In the Beginning

Unit 2 - The First Sin

Unit 3 - Two by Two

Unit 4 - Abraham’s Big Test

Unit 5 - The Dreamer

Unit 6 - Dreams Come True

Unit 7 - A Baby and A Bush

Unit 8 - A Voice in the Night

Unit 9 - Stones, Slings and Giant Things

Unit 10 - A Roaring Rescue

Unit 11 - The Brave and Beautiful Queen

Unit 12 - The First Christmas

Unit 13 - The Test in the Desert

Unit 14 - The King and the Kingdom

Unit 15 - Through the Roof

Unit 16 - The Big Picnic

Unit 17 - The Donkey and the King

Unit 18 - It is Finished

Unit 19 - A Happy Sunday

Unit 20 - God’s Wonderful Gift

Unit 21 - Everybody’s Welcome

Unit 22 - Journeys for Jesus

Unit 23 - God’s Good News